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  • Jason Yellick's avatar
    FAB-10292 Update protobuf to v1.1.0 · 03104e71
    Jason Yellick authored
    Protobuf was slated to be updated already, but there is a long list of
    incompatibilities with the current source tree.
    Thi CR updates protobuf to v1.1.0, and addresses those
    incompatibilities.  Most of the changes are quite rote and fall into one
    of three buckets.
    1. Code which uses non-keyed field initialization.  (ie, initializing a
    struct like MyStruct{value1, value2, value3}).  The newer generated
    protos produces structs which have additional non-field members.
    Structs should always be initialized with named fields, regardless of
    whether they are protos or not.
    2. Code which assumes that reflect.DeepEqual between two protos with the
    same fields will return true.  This has never been the case, especially
    when considering protos with slice or map fields, but with proto v1.1.0
    with the addition of caching and other members to the proto structs, it
    is even less true.  The correct call is proto.Equal.
    3. Code which assumes that proto fails on bad inputs -- the proto ...