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    [FAB-2061] Gossip inter-org confidentiality - P1 · 077126ef
    YACOVM authored
    This change set makes every 2 orgs (that share a channel),
    gossip only alive messages that that originated in one of the two
    The motivation is to prevent a third organization from knowing
    that the two orgs share a common channel (unless of course, they all share it).
    So, if we have the following situation:
    Channel C0: { orgA, orgB }
    Channel C1: { orgB, orgC }
    [ A ]--C0--[ B ]--C1--[ C ]
    Then orgA has no idea of orgC's existence and vice-versa.
    But, also if we have the following situation:
    Channel C0: { orgA, orgB }
    Channel C1: { orgA, orgC }
    Channel C2: { orgB, orgC }
    [ A ]-C0-[ B ]
      |      /
      |     /
      C1   C2
      |   /
      |  /
    [ C ]
    Then, alive message from orgA, are never sent
    to orgB via orgC (and the same for orgB, orgC)
    Or, in other words: an Alive message m about a peer in org X
    is sent to org Y, only if X is either in X or in Y.
    In the next change set I'll do the same for identity messages
    (messages that contain certificates)
    Change-Id: I816e6b23050d320f8b99a64b5c84d619de54aaa8
    Signed-off-by: default avatarYacov Manevich <>