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  • senthil's avatar
    [FAB-5080] Chaincode API Support for PrivateData · 16a92d5d
    senthil authored
    This CR adds the following 6 chaincode APIs which enable chaincode
    to acess/modify the partitioned private data. A collection name denotes
    a partition. These will only be included in experimental builds.
    1. GetPrivateData(collection, key)
    2. PutPrivateData(collection, key, value)
    3. DelPrivateData(collection, key)
    4. GetPrivateDataByRange(collection, startKey, endKey)
    5. GetPrivateDataByPartialCompositeKey(collection, objectType, []keys)
    6. GetPrivateDataQueryResult(collection, query)
    Changes have been made in both shim and peer side. For APIs 4 to 6,
    ledger support is not added yet.
    Enabled only TestQueries/TestQueriesPrivateData functions in
    exectransaction_test.go to perform end-to-end test (chaincode
    to ledger).  Earlier, all test functions in exectransaction_test.go
    was disabled as it was taking a lot of time to execute.
    Currently, TestQueries/TestQueriesPrivateData take less than
    15 seconds and hence can be enabled for e2e testing
    Also needed to modify core/chaincode/platforms/golang/platform.go
    in order to support building chaincode with the experimental tag.
    Change-Id: I6b026f0628c5c808776f05852c7910f60f4a99c4
    Signed-off-by: default avatarsenthil <>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarDavid Enyeart <>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarGari Singh <>