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    [FAB-2007] Gossip: External and internal endpoints I · 4579ed14
    YACOVM authored
          An organization might want to publish external endpoints for other
          organizations, but use internal endpoints (intranet) for communication
          between peers inside the organization.
          At the same time, an organization might not want to leak information
          about its internal addresses to other organizations.
          A peer has 2 endpoints when it is configured:
          1) Internal endpoint (exists anyway)
          2) External endpoint (might be configured)
          Only peers that have an external endpoint configured are supposed
          to be visible to peers outside the organization.
    What's in this commit?
          This commit addresses this deal in the discovery layer:
          When a membership request message reaches a peer, it grabs all
          alive messages it posseses and sends them to the remote peer
          in a membership response message.
          Both messages are point-to-point (not "gossiped"/broadcasted).
          And need to be created in such a way to:
          1) Not tell about peers that have no external endpoint
          2) Not leak internal endpoints to peers outside the org
          This commit adds a policy to the discovery layer that enables:
          1) Filter (Sieve): Only to include peers that hold some
             criteria in the membership response message.
          2) Message mutator (Disjoiner): removes fields of the messages
             sent to remote peers that shouldn't be exposed to the remote
    How is it tested?
          I wrote a test that simulates 2 organizations, and
          a disclosure policy that fits what is going to be
          done in the next commit in the gossip layer (the layer above).
          The test checks conditions (1) and (2).
    Signed-off-by: default avatarYacov Manevich <>
    Change-Id: Iade3d32b0d2a58400734b76c30189474c001718b