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  • Jason Yellick's avatar
    [FAB-6234] configtxgen emit resource defaults · 500d3dee
    Jason Yellick authored
    This changeset at its core, simply enables embedding a default resource
    tree into the output of channel creation transactions which are created
    with v1.1 application capabilities.
    Unit tests have been added. Additionally, the new channel creation tx
    behavior can be confirmed by issuing:
     configtxgen -profile SampleSingleMSPChannelV1_1 \
      -outputCreateChannelTx foo.tx -inspectChannelCreateTx foo.tx
    and observing the resources tree in the JSON output.
    Because the utility function for creating the channel creation
    transaction is used widely throughout the tests, and the function
    parameters needed to change significantly, there is a fair amount of
    churn in the tests, but none in production code.
    Change-Id: Id719a1ae3f309a0a189f566dc0fef409564b519e
    Signed-off-by: default avatarJason Yellick <>