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  • Matthew Sykes's avatar
    [FAB-10899] ignore context in VMController · 613e8450
    Matthew Sykes authored
    In go, a context is an object that carries cancellation signals across
    API boundaries. In fabric, contexts are associated with gRPC requests
    and get propagated through the system. When a request to invoke
    chaincode is received, the context is propagated to the controller
    responsible for managing container requests where it is misused.
    The controller spawns a go routine to handle the container request and
    signals completion via a channel. The Process function then waits for
    the request to complete or for the context to get canceled. When the
    context it canceled, the processor still waits for the request to
    complete before returning to the caller. This means the operation is
    never really canceled at this layer and, since it has to complete,
    it's likely that it has succeeded.
    Unfortunately, once the context is canceled, the controller returns the
    cancellation error from the context causing the callers to treat the
    operation as a failure.
    As the code downstream of the controller doesn't properly honor the
    context either and future releases remove it entirely, we'll simply
    ignore context cancellation signals in the controller.
    Change-Id: I51d8be9ef41e586c982abe268e6f9e0d61d4d7a7
    Signed-off-by: default avatarMatthew Sykes <>