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  • Srinivasan Muralidharan's avatar
    FAB-1198-rm old pb.Transaction, pb.Block · 61affa05
    Srinivasan Muralidharan authored
    NOTE - Removing of old proto.Transaction is the cause for
    the large change set. It affects chaincode framework and
    all users of the framework such as endorser, system chaincodes,
    unit tests etc.
    Transaction2 is renamed to Transaction.
    Response2 is renamed to Response.
    Message2 is renamed to Message.
    The changes are fully described in
       . Remove old Transaction and rename Transaction2
       . Cleanup of Chaincode protobuf message
       . Add TxID for SDK and higher layers to optionally
         set (currently errors if not set)
    ChaincodeMessage removes QUERY and QUERY_CHAINCODE enums.
    Shim interface does not enforce Query or QueryChaincode.
    chaincode_example02 and 05 implement Query function via
    the Invoke implementation.
    The "noop" system chaincode is removed
       . it was using Transaction which is not an endorser
         artifact any longer
       . there are many system chaincodes to that thoroughly