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  • Gregory Haskins's avatar
    [FAB-3160] Provide config-relative path feature · 8ce10737
    Gregory Haskins authored
    The primary goal of this patch is to create the notion of a
    "config-relative" path reference.  For example, a configuration file
    "/etc/foo/bar.yaml" that contains a key "bat" with a value
    "baz/blaz/blamo" can be used to specify that "baz/blaz/blamo" should
    be considered relative to the configuration file itself.  In this case,
    it would be expected to be found at /etc/foo/baz/blaz/blamo.  FAB-2037
    does a much more thorough job of explaining the rationale on why
    config-relative is considered important/good-form.
    This is in stark contrast to what we have today, which is a jumbled
    mess of assumed GOPATH relative, CWD relative, ENVVAR absolute and
    sometimes even ENVVAR relative.  Therefore, an additional positive
    side-effect of this endeavor is that this patch also substantially
    cleans up some technical debt that had been accumulating in the tree
    for some time related to ad-hoc pathing, DRY violations, and just
    general inconsi...