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  • manish's avatar
    Ledger-lscc: Introduce queriabilty on to-be state · bd1fa1b8
    manish authored
    This CR introduces a query executor that operates on statedb and
    one or more state-updates on top. This enables a queriability
    on to-be committed state before committing the state.
    The combiner expects the input - a slice of queriable kv-data
    (either statedb or state-update batches). The slice is assumed to
    contain the kv-data in the decending order of updates - i.e,
    a kv-data present at an index 'i' is assumed to overwrite the
    kv-data present at the index 'i+1'. For instance, if a key is
    deleted from the kv-data present in the lowest index, the combiner
    will treated the key as deleted.
    The combiner offers a simple query interface that provides 'Get'
    and 'Range' query options.
    This is expected to be used in the state listener so that a state
    listener can query the to-be committed state.
    FAB-11560 #done
    Change-Id: Ie24e1e4e859b0e3393bc0854700a8a6579159167
    Signed-off-by: default avatarmanish <>