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  • Jason Yellick's avatar
    [FAB-5441] Add multisig support to peer CLI · 231460cd
    Jason Yellick authored
    Without utilizing the SDKs, it is currently not possible to submit a
    configtx with signatures from multiple parties.  This makes it very
    difficult if not impossible to modify things like channel membership.
    This CR adds a new command to the peer channel CLI: signconfigtx
    This command operates like the update command, but instead of signing
    and submitting it to ordering, it simply signs the transaction, then
    writes it back to disk.  This write is done in place, replacing the
    input file.
    Change-Id: I59bd922ec6ecaca11d8e23ef604228e51c229b46
    Signed-off-by: default avatarJason Yellick <>