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  • yacovm's avatar
    [FAB-10857] Extract discovery endorsement filtering · 8fd6f144
    yacovm authored
    This change set extracts the logic that deals with discovery
    endorsement peer filtering into a separate function, to be used
    by the discovery service core for filtering peers according
    to collections.
    As a result, the code that pre-filters principal sets according
    to MSP IDs is removed and the filtering is done implicitly
    at the time of layout construction (if no peers with the chaincode
    are installed for the given principal, the layout is filtered out in
    the isLayoutSatisfied() function).
    This removes the customly crafted MSPOfPrincipal method from existence.
    Change-Id: I89a3b5142a6893d84a8faf0b65e2fed36829bb7d
    Signed-off-by: default avataryacovm <>