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  • Adnan Choudhury's avatar
    [FAB-2662] Implement CouchDB docker config · 668b4c30
    Adnan Choudhury authored
    Changing the CouchDB dockers used in fabric to  use recommended
    configuration (couchdb local.ini).
    Include config comments in local.ini stating how to enable
    user security.
    Also, making sure that all CouchDB unit-tests follow the same procedure
    for setting up address and login credentials.  Including test
    comments stating how to run tests against CouchDB with
    user security enabled.
    Change-Id: I975d04d757d0371c8db03acf0ddcf92c01c35f8c
    Signed-off-by: default avatarAdnan Choudhury <>
    Signed-off-by: default avatardenyeart <>