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  • Gari Singh's avatar
    [FAB-4002] Upgrade to latest version of grpc-go · a1c67027
    Gari Singh authored
    There have been many updates to the grpc-go package
    since it was vendored in v0.6 and then v1.0.0.
    There are several defects / issues related to
    inactivity timeouts, connectivity, etc which can
    be more easily fixed using new features such as
    the client keepalive.
    This CR updates grpc-go as well as all of its
    dependencies and makes minor updates to the
    code where required as well as recompiles all of
    the protos using the protobuf compiler plugin
    required by this version of grpc-go.
    Note that for the updated vendoring, I chose
    to delete the old packages and add the
    updated ones as govendor is not perfect
    when it comes to trying to update packages.
    The only "new" code was adding custom server
    transport credentials in the comm package as
    the default provided by the grpc/credentials
    package was changed and breaks the functionality
    required for dynamically updating root certs for
    running grpc servers and new package config
    values for send/receive msg sizes as grpc-go
    now enforces them.  Changes were also made
    to any grpc clients and servers used in the
    code to leverage the new config values.
    There is one TODO which is to actually set
    the max send/receive msg sizes based on
    config.  This will need to be done for
    both the peer and the orderer.
    Also changed the license header to the new
    format for any new or modified files
    Change-Id: I41687a54aa21802203b04a339952881349042b70
    Signed-off-by: default avatarGari Singh <>